Therapeutic approaches and treatment in Homeopathy
The high and only mission of a homeopathic physician is to restore the sick to health. This includes curative, preventive and promotive care. On this endeavour the Homeopathic physician may encounter with different types of cases in their day-to-day practice and in each type of case, his approach may deferrer depending on the clinical exigencies.
Hahnemann had laid down the fundamental principles in order to achieve the desired result. At the same time he also classified the clinical presentation in to different classes, types, and sub-types with a clear message. Each class of the cases demands a different method of approach. Therefore, it is necessary for the physician to understand the case properly and use the knowledge explained by Hahnemann in the appropriate class as mentioned in the clinical classification of diseases. This in turn helps the physician to select the relevant method of case study, which forms the main source of prescription.
According to the teaching of Organon, in case of indisposition one need not give any medicine and in the case of surgical disorders, the scope of Homeopathy is limited.
In the case of an Acute Dynamic disease, understanding the causative factor is very important. Acute diseases are those come on suddenly with sudden progress and decline suddenly. They can often be traced back to a cause such as exposure to weather extremes, change of climate, cold wind, eating bad food, or lifting heavy objects. Examples of acute conditions are food poisoning, accidents, toothaches, sore throats, and influenza. Most of these acute conditions may resolve themselves, if left untreated or may require some acute medicines for quicker recovery. If they are inappropriately treated or managed incorrectly, they can become chronic.
Chronic diseases are those complaints that have persisted for a long time – sometimes throughout one’s whole life. The symptoms are usually less severe than those of the acute conditions, but they can seriously affect quality of life and become progressively worse over time.
Examples of chronic conditions are insomnia, allergies, recurrent infections, arthritis, thyroid disorders, post-traumatic stress, diabetes, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, back pain, digestive issues, and chronic fatigue and so on. This group of diseases have a slow on set, slow progress and slow decline. Chronic diseases do not resolve themselves, but can be treated with the help of well-chosen homeopathic remedies known as constitutional remedies. To select such a constitutional remedy, knowledge about the constitution is necessary.